January 2025 class applications are OPEN until December 30
Foundations of NYC // Foundations of America (federal gov) // History of the subway // and more // Apply sooner rather than later!
Applications for the Winter 2025 term of Maximum New York are live! You can apply to all classes through one application here:
Read on for further information about the classes that are offered, how to evaluate which to take, and options beyond the listed classes. I have office hours on December 8 and December 15 if you want to discuss anything in detail—stop by! I’ll also be speaking at this event on December 7, and would be happy to speak with you there too.
Winter 2025 classes:
Foundations of New York City:
Mondays, January 6—March 10 (no class Feb 10)
Tuition: $2,000; you may adjust this downwards on the payment page if your circumstances require
Location: downtown Brooklyn (optional Upper West Side section on Tuesdays, see application)
I will be teaching MNY’s marquee class, The Foundations of New York City, which is an accelerated introduction to NYC government and law. New York City has city elections in 2025, so this is the best time to learn about how the government works—and maybe even learn to impact an electoral outcome.
Foundations of America:
Sundays, January 5—March 9 (no class Feb 9)
Tuition: $2,000; you may adjust this downwards on the payment page if your circumstances require
Location: near Metropolitan/Lorimer L stop (same location as Subway class)
I’ll also be teaching Foundations of America, which is an accelerated introduction to American federal government and law. If all goes according to plan, we will have a voluntary field trip to Washington, D.C. to visit Congress and the Supreme Court. If you’ve ever wanted to know how the federal government works (maybe a current event stoked your interest), this is the class for you.
History of the New York City Subway:
Sundays, January 5—March 2 (no class Feb 9)
Tuition: $300; you may pay $150 if your circumstances require, or $500 if your circumstances permit
Location: near Metropolitan/Lorimer L stop (same location as Foundations of America)
Finally, I’ll be teaching a class on the history of the New York City subway. If you want to know how it came to be, why it exists in its current form, and what its future might be like, join the fun.
A look ahead to the spring term:
Note: I have taught Foundations of New York State in the past, and I will likely teach it beginning in April 2025. You can take a look at a past course announcement if you want to see what’s included in that class:
Ask me questions, come to office hours
If you have any questions about the classes that I’m offering, about Maximum New York generally, or anything else, I will have two general sessions of office hours you can come to this month. Please register ahead of time at the links below if you plan to attend:
I recommend taking classes with your friends!
If you have a friend who wants to take the same class as you, but they’re thinking about waiting until another section, I recommend that they do not!
Learning about government is far more fun, actionable, and memorable if at least one other person in your regular friend group (or family) shares the same knowledge.
Consider: let’s say you take Foundations of New York City, and you’re eager to get involved in NYC politics. I will, of course, be happy to introduce you to the wider MNY network, and you can join me in my own work. But there’s no substitute for one of your great friends also understanding the same things as you, and working with you. You’ll both know the players and the game, and push each other in an enjoyable way.
Want classes like these in your city?
If you wish you had classes like the ones above for your city, drop me a line. I’m working with others around the United States to set up more schools like Maximum New York.
If you’re within a reasonable train trip of New York City, I could also come visit in person and help teach the first iteration of the class.
Want to partner, have a custom class section, or anything else?
I teach custom versions of my classes for companies, friend groups, and more. If you have a group who wants to learn about New York City, New York State, or the broader federal government, let’s talk.
More info & contact
You can get in touch with me these ways:
You can read more about Maximum New York, including testimonials, here.